Sword Ruby Crystal Null-Magic Mantle Rejuvenation Bead Cloth Armor Long Sword Dagger Amplifying Tome Sapphire Crystal Faerie Charm Rejuvenation Bead Cloak of Agility Dark Seal Steel Shoulderguards Spectral Sickle Spellthief's Edge Relic Shield Boots Tear of the Goddess Sheen Bramble Vest Lost Chapter Caulfield's Warhammer Serrated Dirk Kircheis Shard Aether Wisp Bami's Cinder Crystalline Bracer Forbidden Idol Hexdrinker Kindlegem Quicksilver Sash Seeker's Armguard Spectre's Cowl Oblivion Orb Recurve Bow Chain Vest Aegis of the Legion Executioner's Calling Warden's Mail Fiendish Codex Negatron Cloak Phage The Best mythic item for Zed you will build is Gargoyle Stoneplate Dead Man's Plate Zeke's Convergence Death's Dance Mortal Reminder Lord Dominik's Regards Rapid Firecannon Duskblade of Draktharr Redemption Edge of Night Knight's Vow Trinity Force Zhonya's Hourglass Locket of the Iron Solari Manamune Rabadon's Deathcap Rod of Ages Void Staff Spirit Visage Frozen Heart Phantom Dancer Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Ionian Boots of Lucidity Morellonomicon Maw of Malmortius Blade of the Ruined King Seraph's Embrace Ravenous Hydra Runaan's Hurricane Muramana Mercurial Scimitar Essence Reaver Ardent Censer Thornmail Stormrazor Guinsoo's Rageblade Archangel's Staff Banshee's Veil Berserker's Greaves Boots of Swiftness Wit's End Warmog's Armor Guardian Angel Black Cleaver Mejai's Soulstealer Sorcerer's Shoes Mercury's Treads Nashor's Tooth Rylai's Crystal Scepter Bloodthirster Sanguine Blade Umbral Glaive Infinity Edge Titanic Hydra Sterak's Gage Lich Bane Abyssal Mask Shard of True Ice Bulwark of the Mountain Black Mist Scythe Pauldrons of Whiterock Staff of Flowing Water Mobility Boots Force of Nature Plated Steelcaps Chempunk Chainsword Chemtech Putrifier Cosmic Drive Demonic Embrace Divine Sunderer Eclipse Everfrost Frostfire Gauntlet Galeforce Goredrinker Hextech Rocketbelt Horizon Focus Immortal Shieldbow Imperial Mandate Kraken Slayer Liandry's Anguish Luden's Tempest Mikael's Blessing Moonstone Renewer Navori Quickblades Night Harvester Prowler's Claw Riftmaker Serpent's Fang Serylda's Grudge Shurelya's Battlesong Stridebreaker Sunfire Aegis The Collector Turbo Chemtank Needlessly Large Rod Stopwatch Pickaxe B. The best Zed item build Season 12 starts with a Long Sword and purchase.